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How to ask better questions for better conversations, with Jon Thor

by | Jul 23, 2019 | Dreamchasers, Latest

Welcome to episode 2 of Dreamchasers! Today we’re covering how to have better conversations. How folk do it wrong, how they can do it better, and we end with a tip you can implement right now.

If you’re running a small business, and stuck with a zero-budget lead generation strategy, then how you handle conversations is critical to getting more business. And better business.

Dreamchasers:The interview series for people who want human marketing on a zero budget. Listen in for tips and insights, for 15 minutes a week. It’s the dreamers who make the future. Chase yours.

About Jon | Linkedin

Jon has a variety of backgrounds, starting in Iceland and the stage, to caretaking with autism, then living in the UK, Miami and Spain. Today he consults for small businesses and startups.

Human relationship marketing happens with good conversations.

Jon understands how hard lead gen can be, when you don’t have a budget. So he preaches better questions.

Ask better questions and you’ll get better answers. Don’t ask “why I don’t have something,” but “how will I get it?”

Elevator Pitch with Elevator Questions

Everyone has an elevator pitch. Do you have instead elevator questions, for your next event?

Everyone asks ‘what do you do’. And then there’s rarely any interesting follow up. A conversation killer.

Instead, what if your answer was to tell a story? What if you didn’t just state your position, but lead with the pain point to a specific audience, and your unique response that allows them to achieve their future?

The tone of the conversation is now completely different. Even if they don’t respond in kind, you will have made a better impression.

The why question

What if you asked, ‘Why did you focus on that? Why is that your purpose?’

Don’t just ask how is it going. No one really cares.

Get to know the person a little bit deeper. Find their purpose, and you’ll find that they come alive.

So don’t use your elevator pitch on its own. You can use your questions to find out the pain points and dreams that your pitch doesn’t cover.

The flaw question

“What’s one change or one tool that could help you with your business?”

Start drilling into the current pain point. If you’re looking for an opening to deliver value, you have to know what that means to the person you’re talking to.

A hammer thinks everything is a nail. Your prospect might be looking for a nail gun. But you weren’t letting them tell you.

The opportunity question

“What service could you make use of?”

Before diving too deeply into what’s wrong, ask about what’s right. Ask about what they’ve been dreaming about, and how things could be if certain stars were to align.

The passion question

“What do you love about your day to day?

If you’re in sales, ease into the conversation.

  • What do you love about being a [job title]
  • What’s your least favorite part of it?

Now that you know these things, align your pitch to speak to their situation.

Final tip

Connecting on Linkedin is like dating.

If your approach to sales would feel off, or predatory, in the dating world, then don’t do it. Don’t be pushy. Don’t try to close on the second date.

Ask the better questions.

Show that you care about being a great fit with them. You should selling for the long run; finding new customers costs more time, effort, and money, than retaining them.

Look for points of connection, a ‘me too’ moment.

This is one of my recent reads about how to connect with people: Captivate, the Science of Succeeding with People, by Vanessa van Edwards

Every interaction should be about finding threads of commonalities. Every thread that binds you brings you closer to a person. The more threads you have, the more socially attractive you become.

““Me too!” and “Teach me?” are two of the most powerful and underutilized phrases we have. Use them whenever possible.”

See more of my top Goodreads highlights for this book.

There you have it!

Was this convo helpful to you? What did it make you think of? Can you add any other recommendations?

So what do you think? Leave a comment.

PS: Who’s one person you know would like to read this post? Can you share it with them? Thanks!

Dominic de Souza is a novelist-turned-marketer. He believes that passionate small businesses should stop with ads and funnels, and get back to the human roots of business: clarity, excellent service, and building a community. Everything you’re already good at.  Meet Dominic →

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